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VTOL airplane
(Patent US 6,234,422 B1)

Helicopter can take off and landing on small area, but his speed and range is small ( 300 km/hour and 500 km correspondingly). Airplane has good speed (up 800 km/hour) and range (2000 - 5000 km) but one has big T-0 run (1-2 km) and needs in airport (that is expensive).
We are familiar with the attempts to design VTOL aircraft in the USA and other countries (for example, Bell/Being V-22). It has less than 50% of the performances of helicopters in hover and aircraft in flight. It does not have a high speed or range. It is very complex and doesn't have enough reliability. The last testing of V-22 shows that can not be used for loading and unloading of soldiers (and people) in hover regime, because the stream from rotors is very strong. The stream from rotor of our airplane is the same of that of helicopter.
The inventions of Dr. A. Bolonkin (new rotor and system of safety) allow to produce 90% of the flight performance of helicopters in hover and aircraft in flight. This airplane with new rotor can hover a long time as a helicopter (90% with respect to modem helicopters), has any speed including subsonic or supersonic and has 90% of the range of same modern aircraft. It provides a high safety. It can be used for loading and unloading in hover regime that is important in military and rescue operation.
The calculation below is made for VTOL aircraft with 20-25 seats. Speed is 400-500 mph, and range is 1500-2500 miles.

Expensesfor R&D is $80 M over 4 years.
Production cost is $5M, price is $1OM each.
Profit is 3.8 billions dollars after 10 years production.
Non-contact Transport

New Non-Contact Means of Transportation
(Patent US 6,234,422 B1)

This project involved the creation of new means of transportation to meet civilian and military needs. The operating premise is an air pillow that is capable of moving transport vehicles along any surface such as dirt, snow, sand, water, etc. This unique design also requires the creation of a non-contact bearing.
This principle has important advantages over air pillow apparatus. This vehicle has important advantages over hovercraft (cushion craft, ground effect machines, air cushion vehicles, ACV).
1. Good short-term acceleration of the motor, allowing the apparatus to complete significantly long jumps-flights. Ravines, bushes, forest, posts, do not hinder it.
2. The overall area of the apparatus is significantly less (by 10 or more times) than its support surface.
3. The apparatus is highly maneuverable in many directions, i.e. it can rotate in place, lower itself into any ravine, pit, or recess, and emerge from them.
Technical data: 4 seats or I pilot and 200 kg payload, maximum speed 300 km/hour, range 800 km.

Expensesfor Research and Development (R&D) is S 70 M in 4 years.
Production cost is $IOO K, and price is $200 K each.
Profit is 8 billion dollars after 10 years production.

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Underground scout English abstract

A.Bolonkin, 718-339-4563

Underground Scout
(Proposal for patenting and Research & Development)

It is known that underground exploring of useful minerals is very expensive. For example, probing, drilling of oil wells cost minimum of million dollars. However even in oil region only one from 30 wells give the oil. A lot of workers work on every oil drilling tower. They need in roads, expensive equipment, cooling liquid, place for useless ground. They damage the environment.

Professor Bolonkin invents an underground scout. That likes an ophidian who nibble a ground and can reach the depth up 2 kilometers and more. The scout explores the minerals which it finds on its way. If one find the underground oil it swims in the oil cavity, investigates a size of oil region and give an exactly coordinates for operator. If scout finds the useful minerals one can trips into mineral region and inform the operator about its size.

Professor Bolonkin solved three main problems of underground scout: how to provide an energy to scout, how to change the direction of moving, how to control and navigate the scout in under ground by radio. The scout has ultra-sound sensors, which allow an operator to see under ground and go round the very hard ground (boulders, granites).

Instead tens of drilling wells and hundreds of workers one operator, located for example in Washington office, can looks the tens of monitors and controls the moving of the underground scouts in different States of the USA.
The expenses of exploring decrease in thousands times and every counter can explore in short time: what minerals and oil one has.

Estimate of time, expenses and profit
(K is thousand, M is million, B is billion)

Expenses for R&D is $3M during 2.5 years in USA.
Production cost is $10K, price is 20K.

Table of output and profit

Years after R&D 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Output, each. . 0 1K 2K 10K 15K 25K 25K 25K 25K 25K 25K
Annual profit,$ 0 10M 20M 100M 150M 250M 250M 250M 250M 250M 250M
Total profit, $ 0 10M 30M 130M 280M 530M 780M 1B 1.3B 1.5B 1.8B
Relation of the profit to the expenses equals 1.8B/3M=600 times after 12 years.

Torpedo, High speed

Высокоскоростнaя подводнaя торпeдa
(High speed underwater torpedo and submarine)

Прeдлaгaeтся новый мeтод рeзкого снижeния сопротивлeния движeнию подводныx aппaрaтов, который позволяeт увeличить скорость движeния торпeд до 160 км/чaс, a подводныx лодок до 120 км/чaс и вышe. Этот мeтод тaкжe можeт быть использовaн и для снижeния сопротивлeния движeнию нaдводныx судов.
Прeдлaгaeтся тaкжe использовaть новый водяной движитeль, дaющий тягу внe зaвисимости от скорости движeния aппaрaтa и нe имющий огрaничeний, связaнныx с кaвитaциeй грeбныx винтов.

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